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Engineering Lecture
Submitted by humas-ft on Wed, 12/02/2020 - 11:38
The engineering lecture for Engineering Professional Study Program students, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) was be held in the Main Meeting Room, KPLT Building, 2nd Floor, Faculty of Engineering, UNY. The engineering lecture was presented by the Head of the Professional Engineering Study Program Muhamad Ali, MT, IPM and Dr. Mujiyono, MT, IPM. The lectures talk about engineering insight, the Code of Ethics for Engineering and Occupational Health and Safety (OSH). The lecture was attended by all of the students.
Kontak Kami
Alamat Kantor:
Direktorat Pendidikan Profesi dan Kompetensi UNY
Jalan Colombo Nomor 1 Yogyakarta 55281
Barat Daya Masjid Al-Mujjahidin UNY
Telepon: (0274) 550852, psw 1462
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